Training and development
Training and Development is a structured program with different methods designed by professionals in particular job. It has become most common and continuous task in any organisation for updating skills and knowledge of employees in accordance with changing environment. Optimisation of cost with available resources has become pressing need for every organisation which will be possible only by way of improving efficiency and productivity of employees, possible only by way of providing proper employee training and development conditioned to that it should be provided by professionals.
What is the difference between training and development?
Training is the process of improving and polishing the required Skills to an employee in order to make him/her skilled and perfectionist in the job which he / she does. Training is purely job focused but development is psychology and soft skills oriented.
Previously many authors have defined the difference between training and development, but still there is little confusion in understanding the difference. In fact many organisations are using term "training and development" as one and same. Mostly we hear the term "training" for the purpose of the inducing skills and knowledge among employees. Both training and development are continuous and core tasks of organisation, but employee training will be for the particular job to develop skills in concern particular job for a particular period and will be given periodically whenever updating of skills needed for performing particular job and moreover training is meant for the purpose of development of technicality among employees. Training is mainly provided for making employee aware on how to handle particular job, technology or equipment for doing particular task or function in the organisation. ultimately training of employees will be by way of teaching by the professional in particular job which involves technicality to develop skill.
In many and large organisations even in governmental organisations financial budgeting provides a separate budget for the purpose of employee training as a key overhead which has been not ignored ever. Because employee training is very expensive, especially if we take information technology companies spends large amounts for providing training to their employees and frequency of training is high because change of technology is not constant and updated continuously. Therefore to make aware of new technology and update their skills in accordance with new technology, training of employees is more frequent as that of other industries.
Coming to employee development we don't hear or see as that of employee training program in the organisation. Employee development is psychological oriented mainly provided for people who deals with managerial tasks.
Training & Development
As compared to technical staff, managerial staff will be very low in number because manager who is having more efficiency can manage more number of people which is a real manager capability, but coming to technical jobs cannot be done by one or with minimum available skilled labour if there is need for high or large production. ultimately development of employees is by way of learning by way of observations to develop knowledge. In fact training is also provided for management level personnel to understand technicalities involved and nature of work done by the staff working under them, ultimately to manage them.
Traditional And Modern Approach Of Training And Development
Traditional Approach –
Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training. They were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.
Modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce and yield the best results.
The HR Training and Development Manager is responsible for the organization's staff training requirements, programs, and career development needs. They supervise training staff, plan and administer training seminars, and manage conflict resolution, team building, and employee skill evaluations.
The HR Training and Development Specialist plans, produces and administers staff and management training programs. They conduct programs to develop employee skills in accordance with organization practices and policies. Additionally, they research and evaluate training resources, as well as suggest new topics and methods.
The Chief Learning Officer is a relatively new executive level position. The CLO is in charge of employee training, education, and learning structures across the enterprise, as well as providing the expertise to ensure everyone has access to the intellectual tools, information and data they need. The primary success factor of the CLO is to translate learning into a strategic business asset.
"The way to activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you activate vast human energies and resources, which otherwise go untapped." - Robert Fritz.
An example of importance of training employees
On a recent flight, the managing director of an international broking firm was sitting next to Journalist. With two hours of uninterrupted time at our hands, I asked him how he handled losses in his business. "Recently, one of my employees made a calculation mistake and we lost $250,000 at the click of a button," he said. "So, did you fire the guy?" I asked him. "Of course not!" he said, "I paid $250,000 for his training. Why would I fire him?"
His answer left me dumfounded and taught me a great lesson in handling people who goof up. Firing the man is not the optimum solution, fixing the loophole of error is.
To expect flawless execution from team members and colleagues would be quite unreal. People do make errors based on incorrect or incomplete data, altered information or simply, wrong judgment. But to terminate someone's services or take severe irrevocable action against them, would be an even bigger blunder. Here is what you can do, when you are faced with a loss, on someone else's erroneous execution.
The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.
Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.
Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness.
Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to the organization’s needs.
Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.
Training and development is one of the functions of human resource management aimed at improving and polishing the skills and performance of an employee in an organizational. It has been known by several names, including employee development, human resource development, and learning and development.
Training and development encompasses three main activities: training, education, and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of Training and Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities:-
This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual currently holds.
This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.
This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.
The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes. The sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coaching, resources, and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And the providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others.
Facts [+]
The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) held its first annual conference in 1944. ASTD is the world's largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD has 70,000 members and associates from more than 100 countries, representing thousands of businesses, government agencies, academia, consulting firms, and product and service suppliers.