Need and benefit of Training
Such development, however, should be monitored so as to be purposeful. Without proper monitoring, development is likely to increase the frustration of employees if when, once their skills are developed, and expectations raised, they are not given opportunities for the application of such skills. A good training sub-system would help greatly in monitoring the directions in which employees should develop in the best interest of the organisation. A good training system also ensures that employees develop in directions congruent with their career plans.
Benefits of training
As the business world is continuously changing and dynamic, organizations will need to provide to their employee training throughout their careers. If they do not not provide continuous training they will find it difficult to stay ahead of the competition.
The other benefit of training is that it will keep employees motivated. New skills and knowledge can help to reduce or minimize
boredom. It also demonstrates to the employee that they are valuable enough for the employer to invest in them and their development.
Employee Training can be used to create positive attitudes through clarifying the behaviours and attitudes that are expected from the employee by employer.
Employee Training can be cost effective, as it is cheaper to train existing employees compared to recruitment of new employee with the skills you need.
Training can save the organization money and time if the training helps the employee to become more efficient.
Hence, a well-planned and well-executed training program should result in:
Once you start providing training to the employees, they feel they are a part of your company family;
Knowledgeable employees make fewer mistakes;
reduction in waste and spoilage;
improvement in methods of work;
reduction in learning time;
reduction in supervisory burden;
reduction in machine breakage and maintenance cost;
Training & Development
Job Instruction Technique
reduction in accident rate;
improvement in quality of products;
improvement in production rate;
improvement of morale and reduction in grievances;
improvement of efficiency and productivity;
reduction in manpower obsolescence;
enabling the organisation to provide increased financial incentives, opportunity
for internal promotion and raising of pay rates;
wider awareness among participants, enlarged skill; and
personal growth.
Training is essential because technology is developing continuously and at a fast rate. Systems and practices get outdated soon due to new discoveries in technology, including technical, managerial and behavioural aspects. Organisations that do not develop mechanisms to catch up with and use the growing technology soon become stale. However, developing individuals in the organisation can contribute to its effectiveness of the organisation. There are some other reasons also for which this training becomes necessary. Explained below are various factors, giving rise to the need for training. Employment of inexperienced and new labour requires detailed instructions for effective performance on the job.
People have not to work, but work effectively with the minimum of supervision, minimum of cost, waste and spoilage, and to produce quality goods and services.
Increasing use of fast changing techniques in production and other operations requires training into newer methods for the operatives.
Old employees need refresher training to enable them to keep abreast of changing techniques and the use of sophisticated tools and equipment.
Training is necessary when a person has to move from one job to another because of transfer, promotion or demotion.