HR Managers: Protect Your Company's Data with These Information Security Guidelines

When it comes to protecting company data, following Information security guidelines is essential. Not only are they effective in securing data against hackers, but they can help protect your company from legal action. Follow these steps and you can be sure your company will be safe and secure. And remember, it's not difficult! Keep reading to find out how.

1. Prevention of DNS leaks

DNS leaks can cause serious harm - much like carbon monoxide poisoning can. Fortunately, detecting DNS leaks is easy just because of DNS leak test tool. The website for this tool will give you a clear picture of the leak's impact and will even explain the implications. This tool is essential for HR managers and anyone who work with employees.

One of the biggest concerns about DNS leaks is digital privacy. It's possible for your employer to track everything your employees do online, including your employees’ IP address. They may even click on ads that were targeted to their location. The truth is, this information can be used against them. A DNS leak test tool can help you avoid such situations. You can use this tool to discover any vulnerabilities in your network, as well as pinpoint which employees may be most vulnerable to cyber attacks.

2. Cyber-risking

As an HR Manager, you need to educate employees on how to protect their company's data from cyberattacks. Two common cyberattacks are ransomware and phishing. Ransomware hijacks company computers and demands money to return access before the attackers will release your data. This kind of cyberattack costs businesses approximately $1.5 billion per year. Phishing emails are the most common way of installing ransomware.

As the world becomes more digitized, cybersecurity has become increasingly important for HR managers. These professionals conduct much of their work online, making it a prime target for hackers.

As a result, it is important to protect digital communication channels and secure company software. A cybersecurity strategy should address both current and future challenges. Below are some helpful tips for managing cyber risks. Read on to learn more about the benefits of cybersecurity for HR professionals. How can you protect your company from cybercrime?

  • Accessing sensitive information

First, determine who should access sensitive information. It is crucial to know who should have access to sensitive information, especially if it includes the personal information of employees. HR should also control who should have access to the data. Employee access to data is typically defined when an employee is hired. If there is a risk of an employee gaining access to sensitive information, consider encrypting the information and setting policies for employees to access it.

  • Implementation of cybersecurity policies

Second, define your role. Your HR department should collaborate with IT and internal security to develop and implement policies on cybersecurity. Ultimately, it is best to define your responsibilities and roles with IT to protect your company's data. You should also establish cybersecurity policies for your entire company. You should also train your employees on their legal rights and privacy policies. Finally, cyber-training should be ongoing, regardless of the nature of your business. For these reasons, it is vital to consider cybersecurity for HR managers.

3. Regular data security training

Regardless of your industry, HR is a key component in cybersecurity. Many breaches have originated with a human error, such as a lost mobile phone, mishandled third-party, or phishing email. As such, HR has a unique understanding of employee behavior and can better prepare to address potential threats. Moreover, HR can also set up workflows and email triggers for employees to quickly disable passwords, or partner with the IT department to implement effective cybersecurity measures.

  • Proper handling of new technology

While IT has traditionally developed cybersecurity training sessions, HR is increasingly becoming involved in the process. This training can help employees feel more confident about cybersecurity and will give them guidance on how to recognize common scenarios. Other important guidelines for cybersecurity training may include the proper handling of new technology and digital transformation. Additionally, it can include best practices for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and remote access policies. These strategies will help protect sensitive data while promoting a sense of responsibility among employees.

  • Update internal security measures

IT teams and legal departments can be invaluable resources for HR data security. They should collaborate regularly and raise concerns regarding changes to software, as well as update internal security measures. Also, HR managers should only have access to salary information, and not social security numbers. This way, they can limit their exposure to sensitive data. If this isn't feasible, consider hiring premium HR software and employing an IT team to help with the training.

4. Record keeping laws

While the HR department may be responsible for maintaining confidential information, many employees aren't aware of record keeping laws. The laws require employers to retain certain documents for a specified period of time. As a result, many employers outsource this task to an external PEO. The organization is responsible for any issues related to HR record keeping.

Record keeping laws for HR managers differ by state. In addition, businesses with multiple locations must adhere to different laws for each location. Keeping track of compliance laws for each state can be a full-time job. Fortunately, technology can help make this process easier, safer, and more secure. In addition, HR managers can utilize record keeping software to help ensure that all of the records they need are easily accessible. Ultimately, keeping records in order is crucial to the success of any business.

As an HR manager, you have many records to keep. These documents range from employment applications and interviews to compensation and benefits information. If you want to comply with record keeping laws, you'll have to organize all of these documents in an easily accessible format. This way, your team can focus on improving your corporate culture. Also, remember that federal payroll tax requires employers to retain employee records for four years. So, it's essential to have an organized record system for your company to avoid problems with your records.

5. Access log and monitoring

User-activity monitoring, or UAM, provides an HR manager with valuable insight into employee productivity and engagement. It can also uncover potential insider security threats. While UAM on company-owned devices and company-sanctioned networks is perfectly legal, it is important to implement it sensitively and with care. In this article, we'll look at five of the leading UAM tools.

Using the System Log Files tile in the Settings window allows users to view and download the relevant system logs. These files can contain details of system configuration, deployments of security artifacts, and other technical events. For more details, visit System Log Files. You can also view and download your user logs from the System Log Files tab. These logs are critical for any runtime processing errors. This is why SAP support frequently requests the users to share their logs.

6. Design remote access policy for employees

Most importantly design the remote access policy and include requirements for VPN access in it too. It is even better if you have a high-speed and secure VPN provider onboard as a partner. VPN allows you to provide access to the network to multiple remote workers at the same time. You can also operate critical programs on the cloud and grant them access via the VPN's secure tunnel.

This can range from email to full-fledged software that would ordinarily be installed on a desktop computer. When employees connect to the VPN, they gain access to a different computer on which they execute the program they require. Each employee who has a login can use the VPN and further they can access the applications and programs as well. Adding extra employees is as simple as supplying additional bandwidth and login credentials to each new team member. Besides that, the confidential information of your company is always safe.


When your company has sensitive data, you need to protect it with appropriate procedures. Employees who are responsible for handling sensitive information are responsible for following company rules and protecting the data from unauthorized third parties. While it may be tempting to hand over sensitive information to contractors, you need to protect your company's data by enforcing strict restrictions and reminding contractors to deactivate their access after they have finished their work.