How Work Environment Affects the Employee Engagement

The working conditions and atmosphere that your employees work under have a significant effect on their efficiency, productivity, and engagement. The work environment is defined by a multitude of factors such as employees’ insurance provisions, team-building activities, career advancement, voice, work-life balance, compensation, rewards & appreciation, and disciplinary procedures. By extension, it touches on workplace health & safety, especially with regards to an office’s lighting & ventilation, slip & fall prevention measures, eco-friendliness of any chemicals used, and the quality of employee (re)training. The efficiency of different tools and equipment in the workplace can also tilt the scales significantly as far as the suitability of a workplace is concerned.

As is anyone’s guess, a good work environment boosts your team’s morale while a poor environment can be quite demotivating.

We will elaborate on this further by touching on 5 ways how the work environment can affect employee engagement:

1. It improves cordiality in employee relationships

A good work environment (e.g. team-building activities) stimulates friendships in the workplace and minimizes office conflicts and politics. Friendship promotes cooperation and collaboration between colleagues and subordinates and their bosses. Collaboration then improves individual productivity and efficiency, eventually leading to individual career excellence. When everyone excels in their line of work, the whole team is enriched with mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s input. Everything works to the benefit of both the company and individual staff members.

2. Better quality and reliable infrastructure brings the best in employees

A good work environment is defined in part by quality and reliable infrastructure. That’s everything from the equipment & technology that employees use, the communication channels at the employees’ disposal, the quality of furniture in the office, and more. When this infrastructure is top-notch, employees are not only happier but also more efficient.

These office spaces in Los Angeles are a perfect example of how employers can drive employee engagement by improving their office infrastructure. The spaces offer clients high-speed internet, a tech infrastructure that doesn’t crack under the strain of a particularly busy day, reliable internal communication infrastructure, and, overall, out-of-this-world office amenities. What’s more, these office spaces place businesses in close proximity, enhancing a free flow of valuable ideas between professionals from different organizations.

3. Employees understand better the purpose of their work

A good work environment is characterized by a smooth flow of information between team members, across departments, and from the leadership down to the subordinates. Team leaders communicate their goals, priorities, and expectations to their subordinates. Everyone in the team is clear about the company’s bigger picture, the specific role they play within the bigger picture, and the KPIs they have to satisfy along the way. Most importantly, smooth communication attaches meaning and purpose to the little things that employees do. It helps employees understand the impact they have on other people’s lives. That, in its own way, improves employee motivation and engagement.

A good work environment is also characterized by reasonable employee remuneration, compensation, promotion, and rewards. Employees are more satisfied and happy with the work they do. They are in no hurry to quit or look for better employment opportunities. Most importantly, they are far more engaged and dedicated to helping the company grow compared to employees who feel underpaid and underappreciated.

4. A good work environment supports continuous employment development

A good employer supports employees to grow their careers through career counseling, mentorship programs, on-the-job training, college sponsorships, and more. A good employer invests in training tools such as the OnlinebizBooster where employees can log in for career tips, informative tutorials, and easily digestible how-to guides on a wide range of topics. Such employment development opportunities keep employee engagement at the optimum. Also, in a high-engagement workplace, feedback is shared systematically and constructively, which helps employees recognize both their strengths and shortcomings and consequently streamline their professional development. Productivity and efficiency remain high in such an organization.

5. Employees are inspired to innovate and create, which creates a sense of belonging

Employees are always engaged when in an organization that’s built around innovation and creativity. That’s an organization that offers employees the freedom and empowerment they need to express their opinions. Employees are able to experiment with new strategies and test their ideas against the best brains in their field. That creativity freedom creates a sense of belonging- employees feel that their ideas are valuable to their bosses. Nothing can distract such an employee from the role assigned to him.

Final word

The work environment has a significant impact on employee engagement. When employees feel happy, safe, appreciated, and supported, they tend to do more to improve the company’s working culture. If you haven’t already, it is time you started investing in giving employees a worthwhile work environment.

-Mjellma Gonzales