Top Benefits of Building Good Workplace Relationships

Positive workplace relationships are essential elements to a healthy organization, especially if you rely on teamwork to complete key tasks and activities. Nevertheless, this also means that you need to ensure that everyone gets along well. Regardless of whether you are a fresh employee or a CEO, getting along with your workmates is important. It should be a top priority. While teamwork is essential, not everyone possesses this skill. And this usually leads to work anxiety and social awkwardness. To ensure that you take charge of your situation in the workplace and improve your communication skills, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide that will help you build strong relationships in the workplace. Let’s get started!

Importance of building workplace relationships

Some people find it convenient to ignore relationships in the workplace. They choose to neglect this integral issue because is easy not to care: they report to work and keep working until they go to lunch and get back to work until they go home. This routine is effective in the short term but terrible in the long run. You may say to yourself that you don’t need officemates or friendships in the workplace. Or that you have lots of great friends or you hate your colleagues. However, when you think about it, you’ll realize that:

  • Work is tolerable and enjoyable when you have great people around

  • Having two or more friends might be extremely important in and out of the workplace

  • You have a lot in common with your colleagues that you think

The issue of positive relationships in the workplace comes down to the employees an organization hires. Professional recruiters can help in offering essential information about the social skills, interaction, and work attitude of an employee.

Further, several reasons should propel you to keep your workplace relationships positive, optimistic, and cheerful. By trying to build healthy relationships with your workmates, you’ll benefit in the following ways:

  • Building trust: When you focus on building relationships with your employees, you’ll gain more trust from them. And good rapport will help you achieve astounding results.

  • Knowing each other: By promoting friendliness and goodwill with your colleagues, you’ll get to know more about their strengths, weaknesses, and the tasks that they love working on. This will go a long way when you want to delegate tasks.

  • Avoiding conflicts: Workplace conflicts are usually caused by misinterpretations and misunderstandings. And these two aspects can be avoided when employees know each other properly. Keep in mind that it’s easy to build positive relationships in the workplace than undoing the damage caused by work fights.

  • Boosts motivation: Several research studies have shown that money doesn’t promote happiness. A good-willed and productive workplace is extremely important. When all workmates get along together, deadlines get met and workflows flourish. And this results in satisfaction.

  • Understanding colleagues: This is essential for project managers that want to understand the emotional side of their workmates or employees. Building a positive relationship at work is essential to becoming an amazing project coordinator.

  • Promotes listening: Most of the time, workmates tend to be talkative. You shouldn’t think of this as something awful but as a chance to know and understand them. Everyone has specific things that they enjoy talking or complaining about. Empathy is essential here.

  • Talk efficiently: Those who foster excellent work relationships know when it’s time to talk or stop and listen. When you become an excellent talker, you’ll understand when to advise your workmates and when to keep quiet and listen.

Defining workplace relationships

Whether you are a senior manager or a newly hired employee, workplace relationships are essential if you want to promote yourself and your business. There are different types of workplace relationships. Someone who’s on the same level as you may get promoted. And this may change the nature of your relationship. You should see this as hostility especially if your colleague becomes your superior. That said, workplace relationships can be split into two categories: relationships between co-workers on a similar level and relationships between workmates in different positions on the corporate ladder.

1. Same-level relationships

Same-level relationships exist between several co-workers on the same level in an organization. Generally, these relationships tend to grow into workplace friendships. And they are usually the most successful types of relationships due to authenticity among the two parties. Smart employees usually know how to engage in productive relationships at work while staying away from the bad things that negatively affect their relationships.

Employees on the same level usually talk about different kinds of things especially if they work within the same office area. They can talk about anything ranging from workplace issues to the weather. Such employees usually run the risk of becoming too friendly. And this has several pros and cons. One of the biggest issues facing same-level employees is gossip. Gossip can severely damage workplace relationships.

2. Different-level relationships

Different-level relationships in the workplace are entirely different from same-level relationships. We are going to split this section so that you can understand them clearly:

Project management and subordinate relationship

This form of work relationship exists between different steps in the corporate world. The project manager has to keep an eye on his subordinates. This can result in some kind of animosity between subordinates and their supervisor. This can be promoted by a friendly dialogue, good work ethic, and excellent project coordination. The project manager should be friendly, decisive, constructive, and critical while reviewing their subordinate’s performance. When holding non-formal meetings, the project manager must drop anything related to work and be as friendly as possible.

Upper management and subordinate

The upper-management and subordinate relationship are one of the most complex types of relationships. There are a few principles that the manager and subordinate must abide by. And these include goodwill, professionalism, and courtesy. Employees and employers should understand each other to make progress. The two parties can interact through work-related issues or not.

CEO and subordinate

If dealing with upper management is difficult, what about interacting with the big boss. Most of the time, employees look at CEOs as a model for how they handle their workplace relationships. If the CEO is good-willed and friendly, the employees will follow their example. If the CEO is unfriendly and uninviting, the office will suffer greatly. The CEO should follow the principles that we’ve discussed above when dealing with new hires.

Building workplace relationships

Now that we understand the basics of workplace relationships, you must know how to implement them effectively. Building positive work relationships goes through several steps. However, it’s not common for co-workers to take time to interact with each other and build excellent working relationships. Employees tend to go with the flow and forget the subtleties involved in workplace relationships.

1. Emotional intelligence and its contribution to the workplace

Emotional intelligence is a key concept that comes into play when it comes to workplace relationships. Emotional intelligence is similar in many ways to the IQ of a person. And it changes over time depending on self-improvement and education. Every employee in the workplace needs to take an emotional test and focus on improving the lowest scores on your test. Emotional intelligence plays an integral role in work relationships in these ways:

  • Enhances self-awareness: Employees with strong self-awareness are not affected by constructive criticism. Instead, they use it as a mirror to improve their productivity and performance.

  • Self-management: Employees who have developed their self-regulation skills know how to control their thoughts and emotions. No matter what they are going through, they always stick to their principles.

  • Boosts motivation: Employees with high emotional intelligence are usually motivated to complete their tasks and achieve their goals. This has been proven countless times by several respected universities in the world.

  • Improved social skills: Those with high emotional intelligence won’t have a problem working in a team. Teamwork is not just what’s good for them but what they prefer. In general, people with high IQ get promoted faster than those who lack these essential skills.

2. Developing people skills

We’ve mentioned several times how developing people skills is essential to building workplace relationships. While it’s difficult to define the people skills concept, it involves how people deal with different social situations. Can people skills be improved? Here are a few ways to achieve this goal in the workplace:

  • Focus on others: We tend to think about ourselves most of the time. You need to stop for a few seconds and focus on the people around you. Doing this will enable you to know how to deal with them.

  • Act on what you see: Is there something about yourself that you don’t like or you’d like to change? Asking yourself this question every single day will pay off in spades.

  • Change: Depending on your will and strength, you might manage to change. Keep in mind that changing your workplace relationships requires tremendous energy and hard work.


Now that you understand the importance of workplace relationships, we hope that you’ll do your best to develop people skills and transform your workplace. Improving workplace relationships will help you avoid gossip, bullying, and other forms of negativity.

Author Bio:

Rosa Hemming is a blogger and professional content writing expert at best essay writing service and essay writing service uk from the United States. She is keen on movies and serials. Her blog consists of lists of the best films divided by genre and for different moods. Find her on Twitter.