HRM linkage with Labour laws - “Ignorance of law is not considered in the court of law”

The meaning of the above statement is that, everybody should know the law of the residing country. Ignorance of law is not accepted by the court. A person because of illiteracy or ignorance can’t say that I don’t know the law.Court shall take action against any person who ever break the law such person is liable for punishment  by the court. Every person should be aware of law weather he is literate or illiterate. 

Labour laws are  backbone for the human resource management, without the involvement of labour law there is no human resource management. There is no validity for the human resource management without following the labour laws, sometimes disobey of labour laws may lead to serious consequences like penalization or sometimes imprisonment or sometimes both basing on the gravity of incident.

Every country legislature has formulated specific laws for the specific purpose. Like Labour laws were formulated for Labour/employees who are employed under any employment by an employer for the purpose of protection of labour or employees against exploitation by their employer. vice versa labour laws lays down certain restrictions on labour or employees against their employer, labour or employees must follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the labour laws, if not they are also liable for punishment or penalty by the court.

Every HR manager must know the labour laws of that country where he is working, because most of the core HR functions are linked and according to the labour laws of concerned country. Managing human resources without following labour laws may be illegal and in some increases it may be serious offence which may lead to close down of factory or establishment. There are various functions performed by human resource manager which may be simply called as human resource management. The core functions under human resource management are recruiting, selecting, training, performance appraising, compensating, and attending to labour relations, safety & welfare and health concerns. The above said core functions of human resource management is having in case with the labour laws of that country or state.

Maintaining proper labour relations between the employer & employee and employee & employee is most important fro organization performance. Having the good labour relations improve the productivity and organization overall performance. It is common in any organization arising of disputes within. Minimizing them is most important and lies in the hands of the HR department, so that good human relationship can be established. Solving the disputes aroused in the organization is done in accordance to the law of industrial dispute act 1947.

Welfare, safety and health measures are very important and must be maintained and implemented by every organization towards its employes. This is in accordance with the factories act 1948.

Every human resource manager should know and have through knowledge about the labour laws. Many of the human resource functions are based on the labour laws and should be implemented in accordance with the labour laws. Critical issues like disputes resolving, women employees’ rules and regulations in mining, child labour, and compensation in case of accidents etc. the above said all issues are performed according to the labour laws strictly.

HR managers are having key role in the organizations and are directly related to the employees and having direct access in maintaining and regulated the employees. Hence he should posses the knowledge of the labour laws. There exist many problems between the management and the employees. They should be resolved by HR managers in time. If they are not resolved in time, employee many approach the labour courts, which is very time consuming procedure in fact. When time matters in leads to the cost for the organization. When there is proper knowledge on the labour laws by HR manger he can resolve the conflicts according to laws and can save time.

Employent laws/labour laws are very support to the human resource management. In the sense to the human resource manager. There are various Labour laws mentioned below which are commonly used and supported

Knowing the Employment Agreement

Although a lawyer drafts the contract, the HR needs to have the necessary knowledge of the service conditions and a clear understanding of what is being offered. The employment agreement is the holy grail for both the employer and employee.

Any rights, obligations, disputes arising out of the employment agreement have to be kept in mind by the HR. They are the ones managing the employees. Therefore, they need to know the terms and conditions assured to the employees and their obligations under the Payments of Bonus Act, Equal Remuneration Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Employees’ State Insurance Act, Maternity Benefit Act, etc.

The employee will first go to the HR for any day-to-day issues. For instance, the insurance has be to facilitated through HR. Any insurance claim has to be informed to HR before issuance. The HR gets in touch with the insurance agency representative to facilitate the claim payments.

Ensuring a Healthy Working Environment

The HR has to ensure that employees have the necessary amenities, safety, and hygiene at the workplace. The work environment should be conducive to the output. The HR has to ensure that the workplace is adhering to the standards assured under the labour laws.

Employment / Labour Laws in India (Latest Amendments included)


HRM linkage with Labour laws>>

Every HR Professional Should Know These Laws and Regulations

The Employees' Compensation Act 1923 (Amendment) Act, 2017

 The Factories Act, 1948

Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972(The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018)

Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (The Payment Of Wages (Amendment) Act, 2017)

Minimum Wages Act 1948

Trade Union Act, 1926

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Employee State Insurance Act, [ESI] 1948

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986

Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

Industrial employment (standing orders) Act, 1946)

Maternity Benefit Act,1961 (Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017)

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

Who is called as dependent?

Proposed & drafted Labour Laws

Laws That Protect You at Your Workplace in the United States

HR personnel work closely with the employees. They need to be able to ensure a healthy work environment for the employees. The Factories Act 1948, The Shops and Commercial Establishments Act(s) of the respective States generally contain provisions relating to registration of an establishment, working hours, overtime, leave, privilege leave, notice pay, working conditions for women employees, etc.

The HR has to ensure that the work environment is safe for all employees. If female employees are working overtime, there should be suitable transportation provided to them after hours. The HR also looks into providing things like clean premises, hygienic restrooms, etc.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment At Workplace

For a healthy work environment, based on the realistic situations, legislation like Sexual Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are in place. The HR personnel have to be involved in the drafting of the policies and its implementation.

In many companies, mandatory workshops are conducted by HR to create awareness about sexual harassment prevention at workplaces. These workshops help both men and women to recognise the unwelcome advances at work and can avoid them. The employees also learn the process to address such issues.

Due to the nature of such offence, it becomes imperative for the HR to be informed and handle it with sensitivity. There are labour law courses which help HR personnel learn about the nuances of the workplace sexual harassment. Many companies hire HR personnel based on their knowledge of such compliance.

Grievances Redressal

The first person we go to for a minor disturbance to a significant turmoil at work is our HR personnel. They are the ones who keep an eye on the retention failures, nepotism, corruption, etc. HR personnel need to know the laws like Factories Dispute Act, Sexual Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, etc. to address the employees’ grievances. Any grievance of the employee is dealt by the HR personnel first. It can be as small as a request for an ergonomic chair at work, to as severe as a sexual harassment complaint. The HR personnel are the first to hear these grievances. They accordingly guide the employee based on the law and the company’s policies. Then they facilitate the grievance through the different departments and channels, to ensure that the adequate relief is given to the aggrieved employees.

The HR personnel are in a crucial position to address the issue suitably and help avoid any expensive future lawsuits for the company. They are the first responders in a company, and this makes them a crucial aspect of the grievance redressal process. A concerned HR can help calm an employee simply by hearing them out and guiding them accordingly. They are the link between the company and the employee during the whole process.

The US Top 5 Labor and Employment Laws Every Student Should Know When Starting a Career

Upon completing your studies at a college, it will be time to start a life outside of studying where you begin to build a career. You might think that it is an easy process to get employed but that is usually not the case.

To get a good job posting, you need to conduct some homework about labor and employment laws. If adequate research is conducted, you will not get ripped off by untrustworthy companies. Here are the top 5 laws you should know when starting a career.

Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is one of the most important laws to research and understand as a student looking for employment. The FLSA dictates the minimum wage applying across the whole of the U.S and it established the 40-hours work week. FLSA clauses also protect children from being overworked and work on preventing child labor from happening.

You can also get overtime laws to reference when reading an employment contract to ensure all checks out with the department of labor. If you would like to further your studies more, it is important to choose a career college that does not contradict with the employment you’ve got.

Immigration and Nationality Act

Perhaps you have been in the U.S with a study visa and would like to look for employment now. It is essential to fully understand the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to determine what kind of paperwork is required. For example, you can get to see the work visas that you’re eligible for H1B visa.

You can get more guidance on the INA regarding the subject of being employable in the U.S. Understanding this act will ensure that you are not on the wrong side of the law and do not get detained and deported by ICE officers.

It’s a popular topic nowadays, and you should write articles and essays around it to impress the faculty. Using the EduBirdie tool to detect plagiarism is a good way to ensure work quality. The tool can also be used for thesis, dissertation and other coursework writing.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) exists to enforce safe and healthy practices in all workplaces. To ensure that companies are compliant, there is a division in the department of labor dedicated to monitoring non-compliant OSHA companies and fining them.

Under OSHA, you have the right to voice your opinion about unsafe working environments. If employers do not respond to the calls being made, employees have the full right to be whistle-blowers. Therefore, before starting to work at a certain company, first inspect the workplace and determine if it is safe and conducive to learning.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Do not allow discrimination because of sex, age, or ethnicity because the Equal Employment Opportunity acts are structured to protect you from this kind of discrimination. Those acts include Americans with Disabilities, Pregnancy Discrimination. Equal Pay, and Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

These acts apply at every stage of an employee’s lifecycle. That applies to even when they are still job hunting. When an employer shows any signs of discrimination, that manifests how weak the company’s values are. Please also make sure that you understand the acts to avoid mistakenly making discriminatory remarks.

National Labor Relations Act

Students should be aware that after being employed, they have the full right to join a trade union. Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), you can organize, join, form, or assist any trade union. The company does not have the authority to forbid you from joining one.

Employers also do not even have the right to coerce you to join a trade union of their choice. Therefore, do not feel intimidated by joining a trade union as soon as you start working. There are a lot of scenarios where you might need the help of your trade union so it is a wise decision to join one.

The bottom line

These top 5 labor and employment are laws that every student should know when applying for a job. Some of these laws have prerequisite information like what to expect and things to look out for in a company. For example, OSHA has laws related to working in a safe environment that you should assess before taking the job. If the conditions are less than ideal, you can also be a whistle-blower to try and get them to fix the workplace.

Author’s Bio:

Michael Turner is a blogger who’s currently working for a lifestyle website and manages its gaming, sports and technology sections. He’s also a talented paper writer and provides academic writing help to students. When he’s not at work, he loves to go out for walks, indulge in gaming and watch the latest web series.

Facts [+] United States

The federal government requires the following notices be posted in every workplace: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Employee Polygraph Protection Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Migrant and Seasonal Agriculture Worker Protection Act, OSHA job safety and health protection, Equal Employment Opportunity Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) was created in response to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992, and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. These laws gave employees more rights, resulting in increasing numbers of work-related lawsuits based on harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination.

Indian government is planning to make amendments in the labour laws for securing employees especially those who are on contract basis. There has been drastic increase in volume of contract workers a in both the private and public sector, consequently there has been a drastic difference of payments between contract labour and permanent employee. In this regard government is planning to make amendments in Contract Labour act 1970 with the aim to safeguarding interest of contract workers. Further amendment of Key labour laws such as Minimum Wages Act 1948 are in pipeline by the government for the purpose of providing better remuneration for their work.


The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is a 1978 amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act made discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions unlawful. Women affected by pregnancy must be treated in the same manner as other applicants or employees. Pregnancy discrimination is the fastest growing type of discrimination in the U.S.